Apple, though, has thwarted Adobe's ambition to have the Flash Player browser plug-in or the related AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) technology on the device.

The iPhone is the smartphone to beat these days when it comes to polish, power, and wealth of applications. Q: Wait, what? Flash? Objective-C? What's the background here? It's not nearly so black and white, so let's dig into the issue a bit more. Apple is inflicting a crippled Web on its customers for its selfish ends.Īll these positions have some merit but are exaggerated. Apple is taking a stand for the betterment of the Web. Flash is a buggy, insecure, resource hog. There are plenty convenient rhetorical points for those who want to find a place in the debate: Apple exerts draconian control over its walled garden.

But beneath the surface, it's not all as simple as it seems. The face-off between Apple and Adobe Systems concerning Flash on the iPhone and iPad is a perfect fit for today's world of fanboys and flame wars.